What's a good read?
Big Bad Wolf has visited the Philippines on numerous occasions, and each one was a success. This year was different as they opened their first online book sale to Filipinos. With much frenzy and excitement of Pinoy fans, they were able to sell to a broader market.
Pinoys and Book Buying
Bookstores in the Philippines make a killing on books, and we buy with enthusiasm. Millions of Filipinos buy at least one book each year for personal use. That’s equivalent to 12% of our population (or 1 out of every eight people).
Filipinos love collecting books, but not necessarily reading them. We love book sales, yet, we don’t all read books. There are three types of “book-lovers.” The first group is the “non-readers.” It may be shocking to you, but a majority of Filipinos may not be readers. Though the number of those who actively read books has increased, only a percentage do so.
Then there are the people who buy books for the title alone—without reading them and those who read them but only for entertainment purposes. Book lovers come in many shapes and sizes.
You can imagine the killing Big Bad Wolf made as they sold to every corner of the Philippines during their virtual book sale. It seems everything was fine until August, as people came forward on social media asking about their orders.
Big Bad Wolf, Where Is My Order?
Please be informed that Big Bad Wolf Books Sdn Bhd (“BBW”) will only deliver your order within Philippines. Delivery of your order may vary within 21 – 30 business days after the order has been placed successfully and payment has been confirmed. All delivery times quoted are mere estimates based on availability and normal processing of the delivery company responsible to deliver your products to you.
According to Big Bad Wolf’s shipping policy, it takes 21 to 30 business days to deliver orders. This time frame shouldn’t be a problem since the books will be coming from Malaysia and will take some time to reach the different parts of the Philippines. However, towards the end of July, customers have noticed order statuses not updating. Questions began to surface online, along with mixed reactions from Pinoy fans. Just do a quick search, and you will see comments about BBW orders pop up.
Who Is Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
It is the customer’s right to complain when their order does not get delivered. There are various reasons for this to happen. It could be that the customer’s order was not ready, or the order got lost in transit.
As a paying customer, you have every right to complain if your order never gets delivered! The reasons for this may vary. For instance, the order wasn’t ready in time, or there was a failure in fulfillment. You can question a non-delivery of orders and take steps on your end.
Poor customer service
Having poor customer service is one of the things that can cause non-delivery. Sometimes, the business will lose track of specific orders, which won’t get delivered to you. If you have been waiting for your order for a long time, then this is what happened! You might also try using online forums to complain about poor customer service, which may help others avoid the same situation in the future. In all fairness, Big Bad Wolf responds to emails and has provided answers to customer questions.
Failure to ship
Many customers do not complain about non-delivery because they don’t know how fulfillment works. However, to prevent this situation from happening again, you should be aware of situations that can lead to it. For example, you may want to check the news in your region to see any hold-ups.
BBW‘s customer support blames the pandemic for the order delays. Something that they weren’t able to prepare for. Businesses need to have contingency plans.
Contact DTI
If you want to make a formal complaint about the non-delivery of your Big Bad Wolf order, then contact DTI. They are responsible for upholding the law with regard to consumer protection.
Big Bad Wolf Delayed Orders
After several weeks of leaving customers wondering about their orders, finally, Big Bad Wolf posted an “update” on their website. This has long been overdue. Comments have surfaced online as early as the first week of August but were never addressed publicly.
Hi there. Big Bad Wolf Online Book Sale Customers!
Here is a quick update to inform you that the first two shipments of orders have safely arrived at the port in the Philippines. The remaining orders have departed Malaysia and are in transit to the Philippines.
From their update, it seems that one shipment has arrived. However, there are no further details about when to expect the next ones.
Shipping delays happen a lot, especially during a pandemic. All we have to do is be patient. This is Big Bad Wolf’s first time delivering huge order shipments to their Pinoy fans. We can only hope that this will be a learning opportunity for both sellers and customers of future virtual sales.
About the Contributing Writer:
Marlo Rene is a Grade 9 student from Quezon City. Gamer. Food nerd. Internet geek. Passionate thinker. Wannabe pop cultureaholic. Falls down a lot. General travel aficionado. Writer.