Every bibliophile wants to talk about the latest book like a deranged person without fear of being judged. When you discover a group of people who share your sentiments—discussing book theories and disagreements over characters—you have found your true home. You are not alone. There is a place for book enthusiasts like you to congregate. Here are a few book clubs in the Philippines where you can let your book geek flag fly.

Top Book Clubs in the Philippines

  1. The BGC Book Club:
    The BGC Book Club
    This book club is quite friendly. Members have a lot to say, and everything they say is insightful and significant. There are engaging games where you can win real prizes, which adds to the excitement. It will motivate you to read and see everyone every month. To participate in this book club, you must first create a meetup.com account. You must wait for your approval to join after signing in with your Facebook or Google account. After then, you may join the discussions.
  2. The Page Turners: The Page Turners is a Facebook-based book club. This group is more than just a book club where people chat about their favorite books and conduct discussions. It’s a book club where you can share and write about your reading journey, charity contribution drives, and everything else related to books and literacy. The members are extremely friendly. They treat you like royalty, especially on your birthday, which is quite incredible. There are also fun events scheduled, such as poetry night.
  3. Read Philippines: With the bright minds over at Read Philippines, start an intellectual debate about whether your favorite character was a villain or a victim. The book club invites readers, ranging from general non-fiction to comics and graphic novels. If you want to have vigorous (and occasionally heated) discussions about books, or if you prefer to meet up with like-minded yet eccentric people over a platter of nachos and the comforting aroma of coffee, Read Philippines is the place to be.
  4. Silent Book Club Manila: This isn’t your typical book club, where you meet up and talk about a single book. Essentially, what you do is similar to how people study via Zoom. This book club is all about silent reading sessions. Everyone is, for the most part, quiet. The cameras are on, but you can turn them off. Most people switch it on, and you’re reading a specific book. After that, you discuss your thoughts about it. That makes it more meaningful because you get to share your thoughts about it, and people will listen to you. You’ll also get excellent book recommendations. It’s simply an exceptionally caring community.
  5. The Flips Flipping Pages Book Club: Since 2007, book lovers have shared their passion for the written word at The Flips Flipping Pages Book Club. The club boasts of its active Flippers, who have expanded their reading circles throughout the years, with over a thousand members from all around the country. The club is an open avenue for book lovers to meet people from all walks of life, all coming together because of their burning passion for books.
  6. Reading Club 2000:
    Book Clubs
    This one-of-a-kind club is more than simply a book club; it’s a library with no restrictions. Reading Club 2000 was formed by Nanie Guanlao, who began his quest of spreading the joy of reading to the local population. He then decided to put his book collection on display in front of his residence. The idea of a book club with no membership requirements has gradually attracted book lovers from all over the world, and the number of books has increased by the thousands. It only goes to prove that bibliophiles will always find their way to books, no matter where they are.
  7. Pod Sibs Book Club: This is similar to Silent Book Club Manila. But there’s more to it than that. It’s a Discord-based book club with multiple channels for different topics. Almost every genre has a channel, including fiction, nonfiction, current fiction, drama, horror, and thrillers. There are book club meetings once a month. You can also vote, and they take into account the fact that some people aren’t through reading by the deadline. They’re incredibly thoughtful. If you don’t finish the book, they won’t hold it against you. You are free to listen in on whatever is being discussed. Questions are supplied ahead of time, giving you time to consider what you want to say about a particular book. They’re also being recorded. They may transform your book club meetings into a podcast at times.
  8. Twenty-Something Book Club: The Twenty-Something Book Club, which arose from the pandemic, offers book lovers the opportunity to get to know their next favorite book as well as a community of warm and open fellow readers with whom to debate these novels. The creators decided to move their literature-centered Telegram talks to Instagram based on their personal experiences as twenty-somethings. Book recommendations, reviews, an open and safe atmosphere to discuss and explore other perspectives, and much more can be found on the Instagram account. Instagram users across the country have access to all of this without having to leave their homes.

There is a slew of other underground book clubs that few people know. Actually you can try forming your book club. All you need are a few pals, a few books, and a shared love of stories, and you’ve got yourself a club.