What are the reasons why many Gen Zs refuse to read? Let’s look at them.

There isn’t enough time to read. This excuse is, understandably, the most typical reason for many. You have school, chores, and a million other things that require your attention. You also only have 24 hours every day to devote to them. Reading can take a long time, and some books have thousands of pages and take months to read. So, why bother?

Reading can be a difficult task. Reading feels like a lot of work for many Gen Zs, especially when the books are sizeable dictionary-style adult novels with 1000s of pages crammed with brain-teasers.

Typical Gen Z Anti-Read Excuses

What’s the point of it if it has a movie? According to statistics, it used to be that books that have been turned into motion pictures received less attention once the film was launched. Most people would prefer to watch Game of Thrones episodes than read the novels. The film appears to be simpler, more engaging, more entertaining. There is nothing to gain from reading.

Another typical reason for not reading is because it is perceived as a waste of time. Many teenagers believe that reading provides them with no benefit. They only got something out of a book when they studied it to pass school tests. Aside from that, they don’t think books are helpful.

Many Gen Zs are easily distracted. It’s easy to see why we have the attention span of a goldfish when you consider the prevalence of cellphones and other modern technology. Those with poor focus will find it difficult to immerse themselves in the reading experience fully. Day-to-day tension and anxiety might cause your thoughts to wander. As a result, it’s normal to want to move on to other hobbies that don’t require prolonged concentration.

Lack of parental support. People who do not read come from backgrounds where their parents did not read and did not encourage them to do so. This, however, does not have to be the case.

To summarize, the knowledge discovered between the pages of books provides the foundation for all of our advancement today. So it’s reasonable to say that reading is one of the skills you’ll need to master. Make every effort to develop this habit to acquire a head start in life, even if you’re not naturally inclined. The majority of the world’s most influential leaders and businesspeople have a voracious appetite for reading. Reading could be the key to getting into the billionaire club.